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Module contains events processing mechanisms that are integrated with the standard python logging.

Example of usage:


  from torch.distributed.elastic import events
  event = Event(name="test_event", source=EventSource.WORKER, metadata={...})


import logging

from import get_logging_handler

from .api import Event, EventSource, EventMetadataValue  # noqa: F401

_events_logger = None

def _get_or_create_logger(destination: str = "null") -> logging.Logger:
    Constructs python logger based on the destination type or extends if provided.
    Available destination could be found in ```` file.
    The constructed logger does not propagate messages to the upper level loggers,
    e.g. root logger. This makes sure that a single event can be processed once.

        destination: The string representation of the event handler.
            Available handlers found in ``handlers`` module
        logger: Logger to be extended with the events handler. Method constructs
            a new logger if None provided.
    global _events_logger
    if _events_logger:
        return _events_logger
    logging_handler = get_logging_handler(destination)
    _events_logger = logging.getLogger(f"torchelastic-events-{destination}")
    # Do not propagate message to the root logger
    _events_logger.propagate = False
    return _events_logger

[docs]def record(event: Event, destination: str = "console") -> None: _get_or_create_logger(destination).info(event.serialize())


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