
Elastic Launch

This module provides similar functionality as torch.distributed.launch with the following additional functionalities:

  1. Worker failures are handled gracefully by restarting all workers.

  2. Worker RANK and WORLD_SIZE are assigned automatically.

  3. Number of nodes is allowed to change between minimum and maximum sizes (elasticity).


  1. Single-node multi-worker

>>> python -m
    --nproc_per_node=$NUM_TRAINERS (--arg1 ... train script args...)
  1. Fault tolerant (fixed sized number of workers, no elasticity):

>>> python -m
    --rdzv_endpoint=$HOST_NODE_ADDR (--arg1 ... train script args...)

HOST_NODE_ADDR, in form <host>[:<port>] (e.g., specifies the node and the port on which the C10d rendezvous backend should be instantiated and hosted. It can be any node in your training cluster, but ideally you should pick a node that has a high bandwidth.


If no port number is specified HOST_NODE_ADDR defaults to 29400.

  1. Elastic (min=1, max=4):

>>> python -m
    --rdzv_endpoint=$HOST_NODE_ADDR (--arg1 ... train script args...)

HOST_NODE_ADDR, in form <host>[:<port>] (e.g., specifies the node and the port on which the C10d rendezvous backend should be instantiated and hosted. It can be any node in your training cluster, but ideally you should pick a node that has a high bandwidth.


If no port number is specified HOST_NODE_ADDR defaults to 29400.

Note on rendezvous backend:

For multi-node training you need to specify:

  1. --rdzv_id: A unique job id (shared by all nodes participating in the job)

  2. --rdzv_backend: An implementation of torch.distributed.elastic.rendezvous.RendezvousHandler

  3. --rdzv_endpoint: The endpoint where the rendezvous backend is running; usually in form host:port.

Currently c10d (recommended), etcd-v2, and etcd (legacy) rendezvous backends are supported out of the box. To use etcd-v2 or etcd, setup an etcd server with the v2 api enabled (e.g. --enable-v2).


etcd-v2 and etcd rendezvous use etcd API v2. You MUST enable the v2 API on the etcd server. Our tests use etcd v3.4.3.


For etcd-based rendezvous we recommend using etcd-v2 over etcd which is functionally equivalent, but uses a revised implementation. etcd is in maintenance mode and will be removed in a future version.


  1. Node - A physical instance or a container; maps to the unit that the job manager works with.

  2. Worker - A worker in the context of distributed training.

  3. WorkerGroup - The set of workers that execute the same function (e.g. trainers).

  4. LocalWorkerGroup - A subset of the workers in the worker group running on the same node.

  5. RANK - The rank of the worker within a worker group.

  6. WORLD_SIZE - The total number of workers in a worker group.

  7. LOCAL_RANK - The rank of the worker within a local worker group.

  8. LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE - The size of the local worker group.

  9. rdzv_id - A user-defined id that uniquely identifies the worker group for a job. This id is used by each node to join as a member of a particular worker group.

  1. rdzv_backend - The backend of the rendezvous (e.g. c10d). This is typically a strongly consistent key-value store.

  2. rdzv_endpoint - The rendezvous backend endpoint; usually in form <host>:<port>.

A Node runs LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE workers which comprise a LocalWorkerGroup. The union of all LocalWorkerGroups in the nodes in the job comprise the WorkerGroup.

Environment Variables:

The following environment variables are made available to you in your script:

  1. LOCAL_RANK - The local rank.

  2. RANK - The global rank.

  3. GROUP_RANK - The rank of the worker group. A number between 0 and max_nnodes. When running a single worker group per node, this is the rank of the node.

  4. ROLE_RANK - The rank of the worker across all the workers that have the same role. The role of the worker is specified in the WorkerSpec.

  5. LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE - The local world size (e.g. number of workers running locally); equals to --nproc_per_node specified on

  6. WORLD_SIZE - The world size (total number of workers in the job).

  7. ROLE_WORLD_SIZE - The total number of workers that was launched with the same role specified in WorkerSpec.

  8. MASTER_ADDR - The FQDN of the host that is running worker with rank 0; used to initialize the Torch Distributed backend.

  9. MASTER_PORT - The port on the MASTER_ADDR that can be used to host the C10d TCP store.

  10. TORCHELASTIC_RESTART_COUNT - The number of worker group restarts so far.

  11. TORCHELASTIC_MAX_RESTARTS - The configured maximum number of restarts.

  12. TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID - Equal to the rendezvous run_id (e.g. unique job id).


  1. (Not needed for the C10d backend) Start the rendezvous backend server and get the endpoint (to be passed as --rdzv_endpoint to the launcher script)

  2. Single-node multi-worker: Start the launcher on the host to start the agent process which creates and monitors a local worker group.

  3. Multi-node multi-worker: Start the launcher with the same arguments on all the nodes participating in training.

When using a job/cluster manager the entry point command to the multi-node job should be this launcher.

Failure Modes:

  1. Worker failure: For a training job with n workers, if k<=n workers fail all workers are stopped and restarted up to max_restarts.

  2. Agent failure: An agent failure results in a local worker group failure. It is up to the job manager to fail the entire job (gang semantics) or attempt to replace the node. Both behaviors are supported by the agent.

  3. Node failure: Same as agent failure.

Membership Changes:

  1. Node departure (scale-down): The agent is notified of the departure, all existing workers are stopped, a new WorkerGroup is formed, and all workers are started with a new RANK and WORLD_SIZE.

  2. Node arrival (scale-up): The new node is admitted to the job, all existing workers are stopped, a new WorkerGroup is formed, and all workers are started with a new RANK and WORLD_SIZE.

Important Notices:

  1. All the items in the important notices section of torch.distributed.launch apply to this module as well.

  2. The environment variables necessary to initialize a Torch process group are provided to you by this module, no need for you to pass RANK manually. To initialize a process group in your training script, simply run:

>>> import torch.distributed as dist
>>> dist.init_process_group(backend="gloo|nccl")
  1. On failures or membership changes ALL surviving workers are killed immediately. Make sure to checkpoint your progress. The frequency of checkpoints should depend on your job’s tolerance for lost work.

  2. This module only supports homogeneous LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE. That is, it is assumed that all nodes run the same number of local workers (per role).

  3. RANK is NOT stable. Between restarts, the local workers on a node can be assgined a different range of ranks than before. NEVER hard code any assumptions about the stable-ness of ranks or some correlation between RANK and LOCAL_RANK.

  4. When using elasticity (min_size!=max_size) DO NOT hard code assumptions about WORLD_SIZE as the world size can change as nodes are allowed to leave and join.

  5. It is recommended for your script to have the following structure:

def main():

def train():
  for batch in iter(dataset):

    if should_checkpoint:


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