

torch.ifft(input, signal_ndim, normalized=False) → Tensor

Complex-to-complex Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform.


The function torch.ifft() is deprecated and will be removed in a future PyTorch release. Use the new torch.fft module functions, instead, by importing torch.fft and calling torch.fft.ifft() or torch.fft.ifftn().

This method computes the complex-to-complex inverse discrete Fourier transform. Ignoring the batch dimensions, it computes the following expression:

X[ω1,,ωd]=1i=1dNin1=0N11nd=0Nd1x[n1,,nd]e j 2πi=0dωiniNi,X[\omega_1, \dots, \omega_d] = \frac{1}{\prod_{i=1}^d N_i} \sum_{n_1=0}^{N_1-1} \dots \sum_{n_d=0}^{N_d-1} x[n_1, \dots, n_d] e^{\ j\ 2 \pi \sum_{i=0}^d \frac{\omega_i n_i}{N_i}},

where dd = signal_ndim is number of dimensions for the signal, and NiN_i is the size of signal dimension ii .

The argument specifications are almost identical with fft(). However, if normalized is set to True, this instead returns the results multiplied by i=1dNi\sqrt{\prod_{i=1}^d N_i} , to become a unitary operator. Therefore, to invert a fft(), the normalized argument should be set identically for fft().

Returns the real and the imaginary parts together as one tensor of the same shape of input.

The inverse of this function is fft().


For CUDA tensors, an LRU cache is used for cuFFT plans to speed up repeatedly running FFT methods on tensors of same geometry with same configuration. See cuFFT plan cache for more details on how to monitor and control the cache.


Due to limited dynamic range of half datatype, performing this operation in half precision may cause the first element of result to overflow for certain inputs.


For CPU tensors, this method is currently only available with MKL. Use torch.backends.mkl.is_available() to check if MKL is installed.

  • input (Tensor) – the input tensor of at least signal_ndim + 1 dimensions

  • signal_ndim (int) – the number of dimensions in each signal. signal_ndim can only be 1, 2 or 3

  • normalized (bool, optional) – controls whether to return normalized results. Default: False


A tensor containing the complex-to-complex inverse Fourier transform result

Return type



>>> x = torch.randn(3, 3, 2)
>>> x
tensor([[[ 1.2766,  1.3680],
         [-0.8337,  2.0251],
         [ 0.9465, -1.4390]],

        [[-0.1890,  1.6010],
         [ 1.1034, -1.9230],
         [-0.9482,  1.0775]],

        [[-0.7708, -0.8176],
         [-0.1843, -0.2287],
         [-1.9034, -0.2196]]])
>>> y = torch.fft(x, 2)
>>> torch.ifft(y, 2)  # recover x
tensor([[[ 1.2766,  1.3680],
         [-0.8337,  2.0251],
         [ 0.9465, -1.4390]],

        [[-0.1890,  1.6010],
         [ 1.1034, -1.9230],
         [-0.9482,  1.0775]],

        [[-0.7708, -0.8176],
         [-0.1843, -0.2287],
         [-1.9034, -0.2196]]])


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