
Source code for torch.distributed.rpc.options

from . import _TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase
from . import constants as rpc_contants

from typing import List

[docs]class TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions(_TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase): r""" The backend options for :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent`, derived from :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.RpcBackendOptions`. Arguments: num_worker_threads (int, optional): The number of threads in the thread-pool used by :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent` to execute requests (default: 16). rpc_timeout (float, optional): The default timeout, in seconds, for RPC requests (default: 60 seconds). If the RPC has not completed in this timeframe, an exception indicating so will be raised. Callers can override this timeout for individual RPCs in :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync` and :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async` if necessary. init_method (str, optional): The URL to initialize the distributed store used for rendezvous. It takes any value accepted for the same argument of :meth:`~torch.distributed.init_process_group` (default: ``env://``). """ def __init__( self, *, num_worker_threads: int = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, rpc_timeout: float = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT_SEC, init_method: str = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_INIT_METHOD, _transports: List = None, _channels: List = None, ): super().__init__( num_worker_threads, _transports, _channels, rpc_timeout, init_method )


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