
Source code for torch.cuda.nvtx

    from torch._C import _nvtx
except ImportError:
    class _NVTXStub(object):
        def _fail(*args, **kwargs):
            raise RuntimeError("NVTX functions not installed. Are you sure you have a CUDA build?")

        rangePushA = _fail
        rangePop = _fail
        markA = _fail

    _nvtx = _NVTXStub()  # type: ignore[assignment]

__all__ = ['range_push', 'range_pop', 'mark']

[docs]def range_push(msg): """ Pushes a range onto a stack of nested range span. Returns zero-based depth of the range that is started. Arguments: msg (string): ASCII message to associate with range """ return _nvtx.rangePushA(msg)
[docs]def range_pop(): """ Pops a range off of a stack of nested range spans. Returns the zero-based depth of the range that is ended. """ return _nvtx.rangePop()
[docs]def mark(msg): """ Describe an instantaneous event that occurred at some point. Arguments: msg (string): ASCII message to associate with the event. """ return _nvtx.markA(msg)


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