
Source code for torch.distributed.rpc.functions

import functools

[docs]def async_execution(fn): r""" A decorator for a function indicating that the return value of the function is guaranteed to be a :class:`~torch.futures.Future` object and this function can run asynchronously on the RPC callee. More specifically, the callee extracts the :class:`~torch.futures.Future` returned by the wrapped function and installs subsequent processing steps as a callback to that :class:`~torch.futures.Future`. The installed callback will read the value from the :class:`~torch.futures.Future` when completed and send the value back as the RPC response. That also means the returned :class:`~torch.futures.Future` only exists on the callee side and is never sent through RPC. This decorator is useful when the wrapped function's (``fn``) execution needs to pause and resume due to, e.g., containing :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async` or waiting for other signals. .. note:: To enable asynchronous execution, applications must pass the function object returned by this decorator to RPC APIs. Otherwise, RPC will not be able to detect the attributes installed by this decorator. However, this does not mean this decorator has to be outmost one when defining a function. For example, when combined with ``@staticmethod`` or ``@classmethod``, ``@rpc.functions.async_execution`` needs to be the inner decorator to allow the target function be recognized as a static or class function. This target function can still execute asynchronously because, when accessed, the static or class method preserves attributes installed by ``@rpc.functions.async_execution``. .. warning:: `autograd profiler <>`_ does not work with ``async_execution`` functions. Example:: The returned :class:`~torch.futures.Future` object can come from ``rpc.rpc_async``, ``Future.then(cb)``, or :class:`~torch.futures.Future` constructor. The example below shows directly using the :class:`~torch.futures.Future` returned by ``Future.then(cb)``. >>> from torch.distributed import rpc >>> >>> # omitting setup and shutdown RPC >>> >>> # On all workers >>> @rpc.functions.async_execution >>> def async_add_chained(to, x, y, z): >>> # This function runs on "worker1" and returns immediately when >>> # the callback is installed through the `then(cb)` API. In the >>> # mean time, the `rpc_async` to "worker2" can run concurrently. >>> # When the return value of that `rpc_async` arrives at >>> # "worker1", "worker1" will run the lambda function accordinly >>> # and set the value for the previously returned `Future`, which >>> # will then trigger RPC to send the result back to "worker0". >>> return rpc.rpc_async(to, torch.add, args=(x, y)).then( >>> lambda fut: fut.wait() + z >>> ) >>> >>> # On worker0 >>> ret = rpc.rpc_sync( >>> "worker1", >>> async_add_chained, >>> args=("worker2", torch.ones(2), 1, 1) >>> ) >>> print(ret) # prints tensor([3., 3.]) When combined with TorchScript decorators, this decorator must be the outmost one. >>> from torch.distributed import rpc >>> >>> # omitting setup and shutdown RPC >>> >>> # On all workers >>> @torch.jit.script >>> def script_add(x, y): >>> # type: (Tensor, Tensor) -> Tensor >>> return x + y >>> >>> @rpc.functions.async_execution >>> @torch.jit.script >>> def async_add(to, x, y): >>> # type: (str, Tensor, Tensor) -> Future[Tensor] >>> return rpc.rpc_async(to, script_add, (x, y)) >>> >>> # On worker0 >>> ret = rpc.rpc_sync( >>> "worker1", >>> async_add, >>> args=("worker2", torch.ones(2), 1) >>> ) >>> print(ret) # prints tensor([2., 2.]) When combined with static or class method, this decorator must be the inner one. >>> from torch.distributed import rpc >>> >>> # omitting setup and shutdown RPC >>> >>> # On all workers >>> class AsyncExecutionClass: >>> >>> @staticmethod >>> @rpc.functions.async_execution >>> def static_async_add(to, x, y, z): >>> return rpc.rpc_async(to, torch.add, args=(x, y)).then( >>> lambda fut: fut.wait() + z >>> ) >>> >>> @classmethod >>> @rpc.functions.async_execution >>> def class_async_add(cls, to, x, y, z): >>> ret_fut = torch.futures.Future() >>> rpc.rpc_async(to, torch.add, args=(x, y)).then( >>> lambda fut: ret_fut.set_result(fut.wait() + z) >>> ) >>> return ret_fut >>> >>> # On worker0 >>> ret = rpc.rpc_sync( >>> "worker1", >>> AsyncExecutionClass.static_async_add, >>> args=("worker2", torch.ones(2), 1, 2) >>> ) >>> print(ret) # prints tensor([4., 4.]) >>> >>> ret = rpc.rpc_sync( >>> "worker1", >>> AsyncExecutionClass.class_async_add, >>> args=("worker2", torch.ones(2), 1, 2) >>> ) >>> print(ret) # prints tensor([4., 4.]) """ @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs) wrapper._wrapped_async_rpc_function = fn return wrapper


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