
Source code for torch.distributed.rpc

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numbers
import sys

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

from . import backend_registry

def is_available():
    return sys.version_info >= (3, 0) and hasattr(torch._C, "_rpc_init")

if is_available() and not torch._C._rpc_init():
    raise RuntimeError("Failed to initialize torch.distributed.rpc")

if is_available():
    from .api import _init_rpc_backend
    from .api import *  # noqa: F401
    import torch.distributed.autograd

[docs] def init_rpc( name, backend=backend_registry.BackendType.PROCESS_GROUP, rank=-1, world_size=None, rpc_backend_options=None, ): r""" Initializes RPC primitives such as the local RPC agent and distributed autograd. Initializes the local RPC agent which immediately makes the current process ready to send and receive RPCs. This method also properly initializes a default process group backend that uses gloo for collective communication. Arguments: backend (Enum): type of RPC backend implementation. Currently, process group backend is the only available backend implementation. (default: ``RpcBackend.PROCESS_GROUP``). name (str): a globally unique name of this node. (e.g., ``Trainer3``, ``ParameterServer2``, ``Master``, ``Worker1``) Name can only contain number, alphabet, underscore, and/or dash, and must be shorter than 128 characters. rank (int): a globally unique id/rank of this node. world_size (int): The number of workers in the group. rpc_backend_options (RpcBackendOptions): The options passed to RpcAgent consturctor. """ if not rpc_backend_options: # default construct a set of RPC backend options. rpc_backend_options = backend_registry.construct_rpc_backend_options( backend ) # Rendezvous. rendezvous_iterator = torch.distributed.rendezvous( rpc_backend_options.init_method, rank=rank, world_size=world_size ) store, _, _ = next(rendezvous_iterator) # Initialize autograd before RPC since _init_rpc_backend guarantees all # processes sync via the store. If we initialize autograd after RPC, # there could be a race where some nodes might have initialized autograd # and others might not have. As a result, a node calling # torch.distributed.autograd.backward() would run into errors since # other nodes might not have been initialized. torch.distributed.autograd._init(rank) # Initialize RPC. _init_rpc_backend(backend, store, name, rank, world_size, rpc_backend_options)


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